The purpose of the Ushers Ministry is to maintain an atmosphere in the sanctuary conducive to worship and teaching of the Word of God during church services and special events. To accomplish this, we: are the first to arrive at the church; prepare the sanctuary for guests; open doors for people to enter; meet everyone with a pleasant smile and a warm welcome; distribute programs, literature, envelopes, etc.; direct people to seats, restrooms and other areas of the church; assist the elderly, the disabled and persons with babies; assist in any emergencies that may arise; assist with collecting tithes and offerings; keep order in and around the Church at all times during services.

Special highlights and functions of this ministry:

We are called to serve at weekly services, special programs, revivals, and funerals. We also accompany Pastor on preaching engagements. Our Ushers Anniversary is celebrated in October.

Who can participate?

Any member of Huber Memorial Church age 6 to adult, who is in regular Bible study.
Senior Ushers: age 20 and up
Youth Ushers: ages 12 - 19
Junior Ushers: ages 6 - 11

When do we meet?

Senior Ushers meet the 1st Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm.
Young Adult Ushers meet every 2nd Sunday after the 7:30 am service.
Junior Ushers meet every 4th Sunday after the 10:30 am service.

For more information contact:

Senior Ushers: Janet Tonkins
Youth Ushers: Bernadine Crook
Junior Ushers: Tonya McLain