Adult Evening Bible Study Class Schedule


  • Daniel, Man of Visions: What Will the End Be?
    (8 weeks via Zoom)

    The class will focus on the development of the prophet and an undertanding of his visions to better appreciate believers' hope for an eternal kingdom after tribulation and what ought to be our conduct in light of that hope.
    Teacher: Barbara Alexander

  • GEN'XT MINISTRY - The Book of Daniel
    (8 weeks In-Person)

    Teacher: Will Green
    Room: Overflow


  • Union Gospel Press - (8 weeks via Zoom)
    Bible Expository - $5 (goto:
    Various teachers
    Lamar Garrett - Facilitator

  • A Call to Joy - (8 weeks In-Person)
    Learning Packet Required
    Teacher: Dr. Calvin Williams
    Room: 206

  • A Call to Growth - (10 weeks via Zoom)
    Prerequisite: Call to Joy. Learning Packet Required
    Teacher: Yvette Harris

  • Fundamentals of the Faith II - (8 weeks In-Person)
    Learning Packet required.
    Prerequisite: Call to Joy, Call to Growth, FOTF I
    Teacher: Larry Blanton
    Room: 211

wedneSDAY 7 P.M.

  • The Good Husband Pt. 2 - (10 weeks In-Person)
    Open to all who wish to attend.
    Teacher: Derrick Adams
    Room: 207

  • A Call to Growth - (10 weeks via In-Person)
    Prerequisite: A Call to Joy
    Learning packet required.
    Teacher: Victoria Horne
    Room: 205

  • Fundamentals of the Faith I - (8 weeks via Zoom)
    Learning Packet required.
    Prerequisite: Call to Joy, Call to Growth
    Teacher: Wanda Sanctious

  • Financial Peace University - (9 weeks via Zoom)
    Learning kit is required. Cost: $90 per family.
    Contact instructor for more information.
    Teacher: R. A. Mills

thursDAY 7 P.M.

  • Marriage Ministry - “Kingdom Marriage” Part II
    (8 weeks Hybrid)
    For Married and Engaged Couples.
    Teachers: Michael and Toroda Stanley
    Room: Overflow