The Pre-Membership Ministry is a teaching arm of the Christian Education Ministry. In a (4) week course of instruction, prospective members of the Huber Memorial Church are:

  • led to the assurance of salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ;
  • instructed in the foundational teachings of the faith;
  • oriented to the ministry structure of our fellowship;
  • and engaged in the family life of the church.

These classes are designed to answer the following questions:

What does it mean to be saved?
How can I learn to read and understand the Bible?
How can I learn to pray?
Who me ... a witness?
How do I live the Christian life?
How can I grow in Christ Jesus?

Special highlights and functions of this ministry:

New Members receive the Right Hand of Fellowship followed by a Reception on the 1st Sunday of each month.

Who can participate?

All prospective candidates for church membership.

When do we meet?

Classes are held each Sunday at 7:30 - 9 a.m. Upon successful completion of the four (4) classes, new members receive the Right Hand of Fellowship during the 4 p.m. Communion Sunday service.

For more info contact:

Adult Pre-Membership: Rev. Alan Baker
Teen Pre-Membership: Eric Plummer
Child Pre-Membership: Margaret Plummer