The Global Outreach Team Ministry is purposed, through prayer, to inform and inspire the Huber family to continue a personal and corporate commitment to rescue the children, redeem the family and recreate communities both locally and globally to the Glory of God.

The Global Outreach Ministry is composed of:
Intercessory Prayer
Foreign Missions
Local Missions and Evangelism
Immigration and Refugee
Education and Mobilization
Conferences/Special Events and Promotions

Special highlights and functions of this ministry:

Beginnings: The first annual Missions Conference was held April 1999. Since that time we have endeavored to be faithful to provide some of the following activities:

1. Short-term Missions trips
2. Adopt-A-Village (Adopted 2 villages in Ghana which are now functioning and reaching out to others)
3. Networked with other churches in the Greater Baltimore area and other locations in the country to prayer-walk, attend conferences, identify ministry collaboration opportunities, etc.
4. Sponsored the "Vision for the Nations" training and the 15-week missions course "Perspectives on the World Christian Movement" and hosted with other local churches to provide the training
5. Sponsored Missions Conferences at Huber every other year, the last year being 2018, prior to the pandemic
6. Provide opportunities for the church to learn about and pray for the Persecuted Church through Open Doors and Voice of the Martyrs
7. Support Compassion International and participate at their special events
8. Support Myra Smith-McIlwain and her Watchman on the Wall Ministry since 1999
9. Co-labor for the "Take Back the Night" event every October 31st.
10. Sponsor annual prayer vigils, particularly the 6-week Summer Vigil and the "Seek God for the City" Lenten season prayer.
11. Support and participate with Keuka United Christian Ashram, with Huber members on the Board and working with the Ashram in planning the Keuka Banquet and annual Keuka Ashram
12. Supporting the work of immigrant receiving agencies, like IRC and World Relief by connecting with immigrants in the Baltimore area to provide connection and support to families
13. Speaking engagements, particularly at African-American churches in the Baltimore, D. C, and Virginia areas to encourage and provide Biblical training for the Master's mandate to "GO"!

The Team is comprised of various connected teams via:
Intercessory Prayer (Seek God for the City, Online Prayer)
Foreign Missions ( Watchman on the Walls Ministry, Ghana Evangelizing Trips)
Local Missions & Evangelism( Burning Light, Child Evangelism Fellowship, etc.)
Immigration & Refugee Connections
Education & Mobilization ( Perspectives on the World Christian Movement)
Persecuted Church Intervention

Who can participate?

All members of the Huber Memorial Church who are in Bible Study and believe that they are called by the Holy Spirit to participate in the ministry.

When do we meet?

Typically, we have met the first Saturday of each month prior to the pandemic. We will announce any future meeting dates and times. We meet at other times when planning events and training.

For more information contact:

Delores Baker-Liely or Cynthia York