The Mary E. Liningham Children’s Choir

Psalm 8:2, NIV: "Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.


special highlights and functions of this ministry

The Children's Choir blesses our congregation in song from October through June on the 3rd Sunday of each month. This choir serves as a training ground that introduces our children to the importance of serving in ministry. Choir participation also molds their development as future members and leaders of the Huber Memorial Church.

Who can participate?

All children who are a part of our Church School, ages 3 through 11 years old.

When do we meet?

The choir rehearsals are held on Tuesdays at 6:00 - 6:50 PM in the sanctuary, starting Tuesday, September 27th.

How will I know there is rehearsal?

  • Sis. Elizabeth will email the rehearsal dates AND provide you a link to the songs we will sing.

When will the children/youth sing?

  • The third Sunday of each month, unless otherwise designated by the Minister of Music.

Is it too late to register?

What if I forget to register online, can I still come to rehearsal.

  • YES! All are welcome to attend.

What if my child has never participated with the choir, do you have any suggestions on how to get them prepared?

  • While no prior singing experience is required. We expect for you to come to rehearsal on time and prepared to sing. Preparation includes listening and singing along with the music to memorize the words.  

For additional information please contact Elizabeth Thompson, Children’s Choir President.